Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ta Prohm - Tomb Raider Temple of Cambodia

My family and I spent 3 days/ 3 nights in Siem Reap, Cambodia, home of Angor Wat and many other Hindu and Buddhist temples. 

The first day we were there, we hired our taxi driver (with his van) for one day ($35). He took us to outlying temples, including my favorite one of the trip, Ta Prohm (also called "Tomb Raider" temple, either because it was in the movie or because it should have been).

What makes Ta Prohm special is that over the years that the temple was left in ruins, the trees started taking over. They became a part of the temple structure, and now the excavation and reconstruction efforts of Ta Prohm include the trees as part of the landscape.

My brothers and I

Definitely worth checking out; I've never seen anything like it. 

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