Monday, January 13, 2014

Seahawks: Legion of BOOM at 4:30AM

There are very, very few things for which I will get up at 4AM.  Football, in particular, I don't usually care about (I finished dead last in our Fantasy Football league). 

But a playoff game between the Seahawks and the Saints- this I will get up for. Not just because it's the Seahawks (and, at the end of the day, I am a Seattle-ite), but also because the Saints are the only other team in the NFL I've ever cared about, since Saints football was such a big thing for my friends and coworkers when I lived in Louisiana. 

So Nick and I headed to a coworker's place downtown where, with three other guys, we watched the game. Very happy the Seahawks won because it would have sucked to get up that early only to be watching them lose. (Minor panic-y moments in the last 5 minutes, I'll admit.)

Also, a part of me wanted the Saints to do well. But then you look at the slogans of each team (that I know of, anyway)

Seahawks: Legion of BOOM
Saints: WHO DAT?

I'm sorry, I just cannot take you seriously when you use the words "Who dat?". Really? Really Louisiana? Are you proud of your inability to speak in proper English?

Also "Legion of BOOM" is a play on words of "Legion of Doom", which is a team of super villains in DC Comics. And I love the reference :)

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