Monday, January 20, 2014

Purr Cat Cafe

(Bangkok) On Sunday I wanted to take a water taxi over to the Kao San Road area (lots of historical sites, plus it's along the water), but the canal dock closest to us was in the middle of a protest zone.  So we decided to go to a cafe a friend told us about instead. It's called the Purr Cat Cafe, and you are surrounded by cats. (Nick is a massive cat person, which I think is kind of weird for a straight man in his mid 20s... but his family loves cats. My family loves dogs, but there you go.)

To get to Purr Cat Cafe: Take the BTS to Thong Lo. Walk north on Sukhumvit 53 for about 1.5 km. It's on the left. 

They have a BUNCH of rules, and if you break any of them, there's a 1,000 Baht ($33) fine. (The hardest rule to follow is "Do not hold the cats".)

They have incredibly sweet and energetic kittens, but you can't pet them. They're in their own screened-off area.

Also they make you wear these super sketch leather slippers. They felt gross.

Cats. For DAYS.

Cat decor everywhere (Hayley you seeing this?)

Also side note: They had a lot of "pretty" long-haired cats. Long haired cats are, for the most part, assholes. They don't want to cuddle or be picked up or even look you in the eye. The ONLY nice cat was the ONLY short haired grey one. Nick has a pictures somewhere but I'll have to track it down.

The cat climbing furniture was built into the walls, the columns, between the rooms...

Lording over the other cats. He was just sitting like that for 5 minutes. 

The place smelled of cat, which is no surprise (and it wasn't as bad as I expected), but I didn't want to get food there... we split a massive pot of tea and it was very unappetizing watching the cat hair float in my cup.

Also they didn't open till 11AM on a Sunday so we had to kill time for over an hour before we could go in. 

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