Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cambodian Fishing Village

As part of our first day tour around Siem Reap, our driver took us to a fishing village (either Komphong Khleuang or Komphong Phluk, I don't remember)

We rented a larger boat to take us through the fishing village (it was $100! for only an hour! I am 99.99% sure that the taxi driver was lying to us, ripping us off, and sharing the kick-backs with the boat "captain" and the ticket vendor)

Mom got to take her photos

And there was this guy, with his super small "shorts"

Very different than the fishing village we went to in Ha Long Bay (Vietnam). Probably because this one is in a massive man-made lake, so they can put their houses on stilts. The lake will quadruple in size during the rainy season.

Kids waving from their boat among the mangrove trees

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