Sunday, July 13, 2014

Osaka Japan

I've only been in Japan for three days now but already I love so much about it. Japan feels more like Europe or the States, with how the cities and transportation are laid out. 

Unfortunately, transportation isn't super clear for those of us who don't read or understand Japanese, because very very little of it is in English, and the signage is few and far between. But every time I feel overwhelmed or confused at the train station or in a train (trying to figure out if I'm on the right one), someone - usual a Japanese woman - comes over and asks me if I need help. One lady even paid for my metro ticket because I couldn't find an ATM to withdraw cash!!! I wanted to hug her but didn't because I don't think Japan is a country of the casual hug.

Any way, long story short: Japanese people have so far been respectful of my space, considerate and SO freaking kind. 

And I've been staying in HOSTELS. Can't remember the last time I shared a dorm room with 7 guys or two toilet stalls with 20 people. But since I'm traveling Japan by myself, it's been really nice to meet fellow travelers (esp ones from the US, which was pretty rare in SE Asia) 

Summer festival at a temple near our hostel

Practically none of the menus at the non-touristy areas have been in English, so most of what we ordered is by pointing. Here we all got different soups- mine was the 'spicy' (ie orange one) which is essentially the white one with hot sauce.

Too scared to find out what a 'relaxation club' is but this sign just screamed Japan to me

Osaka Castle. It's the top tourist attraction but it's brand new. Like, the castle has elevators.

Died of laughter : this is the 'American cafe'. It serves sandwiches, milkshakes and huge portions of pasta. No, I did not go in (I did have a McGriddle for breakfast, though, since I haven't had one in a couple of years and it was DELICIOUS)

River walk at night near Tani 9

Tempura dinner (with souchu/ soju)

American guys from hostel and I stopped by the Space Video Game bar for 2 secs then left because it was packed

Kareoke, of course - Not all the lyrics were correct on the machine so it got weird. 

But not super weird because we snuck in $4 bottles of wine to mix with our slushies
 (By the end of the night the 'slushies' were really just wine with foam)

Also it was 2am. No one cares if you butcher Queen's 'Fat Bottomed Girls' at 2 am.?

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