Tuesday, July 15, 2014


From nomadicmatts website (http://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-guides/japan-travel-tips/) I learned that you can go pay a lot of $ to be turned into a geisha. (The whole process - turning into a geisha/ getting out of the clothes- took about 75 minutes, and cost $90)- I did it with Maica (http://www.maica.tv/sp/)

Do ALL white people look like Michael Jackson when they are geisha'd up, or just me ?

They took some photos for me, all posed in what I can only assume is a geisha pose:

But then they had better stuff to do so I took selfies:

I'm wearing a full wig- you can see the plaster at my (fake) hairline.

You can't show your teeth, really, since they come out looking nasty yellow contrasted to the white makeup. 

It was fun, at least to see what it's like wearing a full kimono and to see all the makeup involved.

What I look like with makeup, no wig or kimono:
(Like something out of The Grudge)

Also they just COVER your neck and upper back with white stuff. 

And also they give you a nice little photo at the end - 

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