Sunday, July 13, 2014

Nara, Japan

Every once in a while when I meet new people who've traveled places I'm planning on going I'll ask for suggestions or what they particularly loved. This has backfired a lot- there are a ton of people I've met who love Hanoi or Saigon, but I'm not a huge fan- but in the last week two separate women (both mid 20's, one Canadian and one Aussie) said they loved Nara, Japan. And Nara is just outside of Osaka so I decided to spend the day there on my way up to Kyoto. 

One thing Nara is known for is their deer- all wild but all super tame. You can feed them, pet them, even get head-butted by one!

According to the Tourist Information Center guy, there are 1,500 deer in Nara Park. I can believe it - they are everywhere. And also prone to chasing down tourists they think have deer biscuits (which I- widely and frugally- did not purchase) 

Traveling solo = I take a lot of selfies. But today I took a selfie with deer !

When I tried again later, one of them tried to eat my sunglasses. 

The map the Info Center have me was awesome, and the clerk traced a 4 hour walk for me which was perfect.

I don't think I could have walked any more, since I was carrying my backpack (10 kilos- I know it's lighter than a rucksack but I'm not used to carrying that and right now my shoulders are killing me !)

Todaiji Temple


A water cleansing ritual that I don't really get the meaning of- I participated, though, and just followed the Japanese couple that went before me

Hanging iron lanterns (too cheap to pay for tours at every stop so I don't know what these do / represent)

Also! When getting on the train for Kyoto this guy gets on with Japanese swords in his backpack. Actual SWORDS. I tthink he knew I was taking a picture because for a while it got weird.

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