Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kyoto (Japan)

Japan's biggest festival, Gion Matsuri, takes place July 17th in Kyoto. As I did not know about it until I got here on the 13th, I was a bit disappointed that I would miss the main events (I'm heading to Nagoya today). 

But the festivities started a couple days ago and as we were wandering the street fair last night, with the crowds and people shouting everywhere, I didn't feel so bad for missing the main event- 

Parade floats throughout the Karasuma district 

Tons of Japanese people dressed in traditional clothing (dang I want a kimono!)

Lots of weird foods on skewers (pickles, octopus balls) but some not so weird

My hotel wasn't close to much of the touristy stuff (Gion district) but we did explore quite a bit of it Monday evening 
(That guy has a sword)

Ringing all the bells = making a wish

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