Friday, August 29, 2014

Bungy-jumping from 50m

One of the things on my "backpacking bucket list" was to bungy-jump, which I did in Chiang Mai with my friend Tara.

At the "Jungle Bungy" (X Centre, just north of town) you pay 2,000 baht (about $60) for a jumping "package", which includes a jump from 50 m (165 feet, optional dunk in the nasty pond water at the bottom), 40 photos on a CD, a bungy-jump T-shirt and a "Certificate of Courage" stating where you jumped.

The Thai guys responsible for setting us up were incredibly professional and nice, and were very supportive (they even pushed Tara off the bungy platform from the top, per her request)

At the top of 50 m, super nervous

The jump...

... and the fall

I asked to be dunked in the water. In hindsight that was a bad decision- the water was really dirty and instead of enjoying the bouncing up and down at the end, I was too busy clearing the pond water from my nose!

Certificate of courage! (plus nasty wet clothes and hair)

Tara and I (after she got over her shock...)

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