Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bodysurfing in Gold Coast

While we flew into Sydney, we flew out of Gold Coast (Air Asia randomness), so on Sunday we drove to Main Beach, Phillip Park to spend our last day on the beach in the sun. 

Gold Coast skyscrapers

Pier at the Phillip Beach. The waves here were ridiculously awesome, and there were a bunch of surfers and body boarders. 

Also, there was a dog dyed blue.
The conversation between me and the dog's owner:

Me: "Oh my gosh, your dog is so cute!"
Lady: "Thanks!"
Me: "I love the blue color, so great for Easter! Did you do that this morning?"
Lady: "No... she's usually dyed in different colors."
Me: "Oh. That's cool. OK bye dog!"

The waves at the Phillip Park were the biggest I've ever swam in, and I even got freaked out for a bit. At one point a massive wave was coming in, and I immediately dove into the bottom of it so it could pass over me, and Nick tried to swim over it, which worked until the crest of the wave smacked him in the back, flipped him over and slammed him into the sand.

After showering off the sand and salt water, I went to the bathroom to change into my clothes for the 9pm flight, and Nick decided he wanted to change in the car. He didn't realize that everyone else was heading to their cars at the same time, and ended up having to wait in the car for a quiet moment for a longgggggggg time.

And then we were off! Still hate Air Asia. So so much. The check-in process. The filthy airplane bathrooms. The fact that we had to clear Customs, grab our bags, and re-check in at Kuala Lumpur.

(I do love their prices- and their "Quiet Zone" sections on the flight. $12 to have no kids sitting around you on an overnight flight? Awesome. I know, since I was surrounded by 5 kids on my overnight flight from Vientiane to S Korea, one of who screamed most of the way. I will TOTALLY pay $12 to be surrounded by non-kids and get a good night's sleep.)

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