Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Katie Learns Lao #1: Expressions have heart.

Awesome website thru which I am learning Lao expressions :)


Expressions in Lao relate to the heart, and I think that's just incredible. Someone at work said that the Lao language doesn't like to be exact, but rather 'paint a picture'... Which is not super awesome when you're trying to get vehicle dimensions for work, but really awesome when learning a new language. My favorites from the website below:

To control one's emotions is to "have a strong heart" (jai kaeng)

To be absent minded is to "have a heart which floats" (jai loy)- positive accepting Lao spin on something that frequently annoys Westerners 

To be honest is to "have a pure heart" (jai bolisud)

To be hesitant is to "have several hearts" (lai jai) - like, many hearts are pulling you different directions!

To die is to "have one's heart torn apart" (jai khart)- so much love for this phrase. Way prettier than 'he died'.

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