Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Visit (Beautiful) North Korea...

So North Korea decided to open itself up to tourists - this has been widely discussed Stateside, particularly because of the arrest of American Merrill Newman, an 85-year-old Korean War veteran.

Laos and North Korea are two of six (I think?) communist countries in the world so it's not a huge surprise that North Korea is advertising in Laos. One Lao coworker sent us all the advertisement that he received through Facebook, which is a flight deal to North Korea (through China?). While North Korea isn't high on my list of travel destinations, it sounds like a couple people from the office are planning trips...

I don't read Lao, but I gathered from the ad that you travel on the 27th or 28th of December and the flights are 7,500,000kip (about $930).

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