Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Getting mail in Laos

Our office admin visits the post office a couple times a week to check on our PO Box (Lao buildings, residences, etc do not have normal addresses so everything is usually sent via PO Box). 

Mail takes 2.5 - 4 weeks to get from the US to Laos (more if it goes through the Dominican Republic - that's what happened to a couple letters here... I guess Lao PDR is confusing for some). And everyone really really likes getting mail. 

The different stages of mail deliveries : 

1. Hope : 'you have something for me ? Anything with my name on it ? I'm not really expecting anything I just really really want mail...'

2. Envy: when other people get mail and you don't . Results in crowding the recipient and watching as they unpack every. Last. Thing.

3. Buoyant zeal: the feeling when you get mail. I got this birthday card in the mail yesterday from one of my favorite people stateside (thanks Kristin!)

Emails are great, but nothing beats the feel of receiving a real- life pen to paper card. Especially when you realize it required 8 Forever stamps. And the cost for shipping packages is astronomical.

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