Sunday, December 22, 2013

Cat sushi

As part of the company wide fundraiser to raise money for the UN's World Food Programme helping relief's in the Philippines, I told my coworkers that for every $50 they donated I'd bake them a dozen cookies. This was stupid of me, as the project goal was $1000 which is 20 dozen cookies. And I also seriously underestimated how awesome my project coworkers are- altogether, including company matching, we raised at least $1600. (We have 15 people on our project.) 

So a LOT of cookies were made. Peanut butter, chocolate chip and sugar cookies. And brownies.

One coworker, who maxed out his donation matching by donating $250, requested 'cat sushi'. This is the image he attached to his email.

I couldn't do that... So I did this instead

Cat sushi
^ this is a cat

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