Monday, July 29, 2013

Case of the Mondays

I saw 'Office Space' this weekend. That's a great movie. So incredibly grateful that no one at my office never says 'Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays'. 

But yesterday on our way to work, we came upon a car that was stuck on the side of the road - it's rainy season, and the 'road' in front of our apartment is dirt. So we got out to help the driver, along with a couple neighbors who were spectating. Neither the driver or our neighbors spoke English and so most of our offer to help was pantomime. In our efforts of pushing the car forward or trying to get her to reverse on a bunch of wood boards, we managed to get her WAY more stuck. And then we gave up, got back in our car, and drove around the poor girl stuck in a ditch. (Her boyfriend HAD just arrived to help so I didn't feel SUPER super bad, but I still felt awful.) 

Case of the Mondays 

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