Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Muay Thai week : Day 3

Epic poems should be written about how much I sweat at this camp.

By the first ten minutes of camp in already dripping with sweat - it's not just the skipping rope, it's also the humidity:

And it's not just me, either- people are sweating all over the place. And all over each other.

Finally my lack of flexibility / balance / coordination has caught up with me. During stretching I sit on the mats with the rest of the group and feebly reach my hands out towards my extended legs. It's pretty pathetic, but I've never been able to touch my toes. The trainers walk around, correcting our stretches and pushing us further, and inevitably stop to figure out why I'm not touching my toes like the 6'4'' guy beside me. I'm no stranger to the trainers confusion- yoga teachers have tried figuring out the 'why aren't you stretching' puzzle for years- but it's kind of embarrassing when a bunch of Thai trainers try to figure it out as a group. I get it, guys! I'm not flexible!

Phuket Top Team offers a strength and conditioning class in the afternoons, and since today they were focusing on lower body, my achy muscles and I decided to attend. Unfortunately, plyo metrics in this class required some fancy work, including a move where you go from a kneeling position, swing your arms forward and jump up onto your feet. I made a fool of myself. The instructor came over to give me some one-on-one help but ended up just awkwardly suggesting I practice a different, easier move. 

I seriously considered skipping the afternoon Muay Thai session- my neck has been killing me, probably from all the clinch work- but decided to take it easy instead. I did the warm ups and the shadow boxing but when it came time for pad work, using the punching bag and sparring, I decided to watch, take mental notes, and snap a couple pics instead.

New friend Tara at pad work


One of the sponsored fighters practicing her ridiculously hard kicks

Push-ups at cool down (4 some optional)

Good little break but the trainers gave me so much flak for sitting around that I'm unlikely to 'opt out' again

Leg bruises day three - the one below my left knee hurts like a bitch

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