Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chiang Mai days 1-2

Got to Chiang Mai on Sunday ! 

Tara and I were originally staying at B2 resort- good rooms but bad staff and awful location.

So we moved to Chana Place in the city center. Our room is a private but it has BUNK BEDS! 

(So much room for activities)

Bungy jumping at the X Centre 

50 m of terrifying free fall
(We got photos with our jump but they are on a CD and I have no way of reading it right now)

Scootering- Tara drives and has no helmet. I ride 'bitch seat' with helmet on because I'm a wuss (and a 'danger to others' when I'm driving...)

Visiting Doi Sutthep on the mountain

Huai Keao waterfall- no swimming

But senior portrait pictures are ok

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