Friday, January 3, 2014

Evolution of a burn from a scooter

To get back from Angor Thom (part of Angor Wat attraction) my dad and I took a scooter... We rode on the back and it was sketch as hell. More importantly, when I got off the back of the bike I had this searing pain on thre inside of my right calf. At first I thought I had cut myself but there was no blood. Then I realized it was a super painful burn. 

The stages- (I found them fascinating; you might find them gross)

Half hour after (4pm)

Next morning 8 am

11am - nasty painful blister

Day 2- 9am

7pm- gross fake tumor

Day 3- 10am

Now - day 5 (almost gone!)

Stupid Cambodian motorbike

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