Saturday, July 20, 2013

Surprises, both good and bad

Things that surprise me about Laos, our group and the time so far: 

1. How much these guys talk about poop. They talk about poop a LOT. Mostly because apparently SE Asia cuisine does that to Westerners. They're a group that's very very open on that topic. 

2. No reliable Internet. Anywhere. Even work has Internet that goes down sporadically, which is really tough for when you have an IT job.

3. Our apartment dynamic- there are 6 of us who live in the same apartment building, and I think we've struck a good balance of hanging out together and giving each other space. It's not like the guys have hidden behind our living room curtains or anything...

4. No movie theaters. Apparently there is one at the Lao- ITECC , but it has weird schedules, plays older movies (but not classics, more stuff like 'Wanted' with Angelina Jolie) and they're all in Thai. I'm sure at some point I'll go, but until then we all just go to the Seng Lao DVD shop. It has great DVDs for like 10,000kip - and I bought Twilight so all ze gentlemen could watch it.

5. How quickly time is going by. Almost 2 months already. 

6. How impossible it is to go home. It's like a 60 travel time to go back to Seattle - and Seattle is one of the closest US destinations. And it's like $2000 just for economy. 

7. How delicious the food is here. Lao food is a combination of Thai and Vietnamese (but with more spices). And the western food is incredible. So much smoked salmon everywhere! 

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