Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Flying home (2.0): Hanoi

On the way TO Seattle, I had a 12 hr layover in Seoul during the day. On the way FROM Seattle, I have a 12 hr layover at night. Since I have to work tomorrow, I decided to get a hotel. Which, in Vietnam, is a huge pain in the ass. 

Myvietnamvisa (to get visa approval letter) = $20
Actual visa from airport = $45
Taxi to a hotel right outside the airport (ripping me off but too tired to haggle much) = $10
Hotel = $13

Not complaining about the hotel. It's sketchy and I think I saw fleas but whatever, it has a bed and a shower.

Also, the taxi driver popped out of the taxi right outside the airport zone and left, saying '5 minute!' At which point I was sure I was getting kidnapped and sold into the slave trade...

But I didn't. When he came back he announces proudly 'I went peeing!' Great, sketchy taxi man (who had no idea where my hotel was, and kept trying to drop me off at random hotels, saying 'no no, this is it!')

Sigh Hanoi. 

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