Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow in 4D

My favorite genre (book or movie) is dystopian sci-fi, so this weekend, my love of sci-fi outweighed my distaste for Tom Cruise. (Tom Cruise has done some INCREDIBLE sci-fi, from "Minority Report" to "Oblivion", and for that I love him, but outside of his movies I think he's a nutjob.)

Unfortunately the only movie times available on Sunday before our flight were either (a) totally full, or (b) 4D.

We didn't realize what the "4D" was, but we bought tickets anyway (at $13 each, it's a lot for an Asian movie theater... but then I bought popcorn and 2 sodas for less than $6 so it evens out)

My God. 4D. It's awful. 

There are rides at Disneyland that do 4D, like a Bug's Life, but they last 20 minutes, tops. And that's because "4D" means you are strapped to a roller coaster seat and get jostled around all the time, with wind/ water effects going the whole time. 

Which means every time Tom Cruise was in a machine, or a plane, or a car, our seats swerved and vibrated and moved from left to right. Every time Tom Cruise lands in water (which happens like 12 times in a certain part), there is a contraption in the seat in front of us that sprayed us with water. And whenever the aliens attacked, tiny little strings whipped at our ankles.


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