Sunday, June 1, 2014

1 Year Anniversary in Laos!!

A year ago Friday (May 30th), a group of 7 of us traveled from our development center in Denver to Vientiane, Laos. 
Long story short, due to some bad weather and some crappy management by American Airlines, the trip had to be rescheduled from a 27 hour journey (Denver> LAX> Seoul, S Korea > Vientiane) on May 29th to a 35 hour journey (Denver > LAX > Seoul, S Korea > Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam > Phnom Penh, Cambodia > Vientiane) on May 30th with United Airlines. It was quite the ordeal...

But Friday morning breakfast was Lotee/ Roti/ Paratha/ Pancake/ Crepe, depending on what you call it, and it was, as always, delicious. Almost all the Americans got the same thing: Chocolate banana with milk. ("Milk" = condensed milk and it goes on top of the deep fried deliciousness that is the Lotee.)

Frying up the sugariest greasiest breakfast ever. 

After work, Nick and I went to Xang Khoo, the French restaurant where we've eaten a lot over the last 12 months (also where we spent Christmas dinner with my family and our coworkers). As our meal ended, it started down-pouring outside. And of course, per Nick's insistence, we had taken the scooter. 

We ended up scootering home in the mini-typhoon. We were absolutely SOAKED by the time we got back to the apartment. 

In honor of one of our coworkers' last week in Vientiane, he hosted a poker game - 12 of us playing Texas Hold-Em. I'm terrible, particularly (a) I'm a horrible liar, and (b) I get really impatient, which does not a successful poker player make. Still, with a 200,000kip buy-in ($27) it was pretty fun and fairly competitive.

Plus I found root beer at one of the local grocery stores!

I left early (I think I was the first one to lose all my chips?) but it was a fun way to celebrate one year.

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