Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

For the family event for our AGM in Orlando, we got to visit the "Wizarding World of Harry Potter" while it was closed to the public. Which, you could probably guess, was freaking awesome. 

We had the park to ourselves from 8:30PM to 11:30PM. Since the families with kids mostly left by 9:30PM, that meant that the park was practically empty. 

There was also beer and wine and butterbeer (which is non-alcoholic; it's pretty much butterscotch flavored cream soda with whipping cream on top). Very very risky, providing a bunch of joyous twenty-somethings unlimited alcohol and then letting them lose on some pretty intense roller-coasters.

Inside Ollivander's Wand Shop. Wands were $35 a pop, but a lot of people got them. A LOT of people.

Nick (not expecting the photo) in front of Dumbledore's office. The Hogwarts/ "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride had an incredible set-up for the waiting line. Of course, since there was practically no one in the park, we didn't have to wait for lines, so we just kind of flew by everything. But the details were so awesome! The Fat Lady in the painting! The sconces on the walls! The holograph of Dumbledore, lecturing the people in line about responsibility!

The Sorting Hat!

We left before the park closed, but we were still some of the last people in the park. It was super freaking cool. We didn't stay out too late (everyone who had just arrived from Laos was pretty jet lagged) but Harry Potter world at night was really magical :) (get it?! "Magical"?!)

Universal Studios will be opening a new part of the park, Diagon Alley, later this summer, and sometime I would love to go back to the park and see what they've added. 

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