Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Love letter to Seattle

Seattle is the shizznit. I am super incredibly biased, since I was born and raised in the "Greater Seattle Area", but I'm not the only person to think so. 

These people think so too:

Also we're # 7 on this list: 13 Best American Cities for Bacon Lovers

But those are other people's takes on Seattle. They see things that I don't (I never thought of Seahawks-love as one of the most distinguishing features of Seattle, and I have never been to the gum wall or the ferris wheel. Also, I love lattes and mochas, but I'm not a caffeine addict). 

There are a million one things that I love about Seattle, but I'm not going to list them all. (Plus, to do it justice, I would need about a hundred professional-quality photos.) So here are just some random shots/ thoughts I had about the Emerald City while I was home. For one week. In mid-March.

Any view where you can see the Space Needle is an awesome view. It's the Seattle symbol. Because it's awesome, and futuristic, and quirky, and it looks so freaking picturesque all the time. 
(I know that people go up the Space Needle to get a view of the city all the time, but I don't really get that. It's like climbing the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It's awesome, it's totally worth doing once, but when you get to the top, you're just looking at a city scape. You're standing inside the thing that makes the city so unique.) 

I love Seattle-ites. The hippies, the hipsters, the yuppies, the cool old people with tattooed sleeves, the academics and the geeks. (I use all of these terms with love.) I love the "normal" people, too, but it's the quirky people you remember. 
Also, everyone wears black. And I love wearing the color black.

The Pike Place Market. This place is crazy busy on the weekends, and even though it's a tourist hot-spot, I will still fight the crowds to get in. It has awesome vendors, it's next to the waterfront, and it has a crazy awesome energy I can't get enough of.

In Pike Place: Mick's Pepper Jelly. So much yes. I recognize that the mini-jars are crazy expensive (last I checked they were $8.50 each, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went up since.) But holy hell this is probably my second favorite food item, after chocolate. For Christmas my brother brought five jars of it. To LAOS. I put it on everything from chicken to cream cheese + crackers to salmon to pasta. Sometimes I just eat it out of the jar, with a spoon.

Also, the Daily Doughnut shop. I will wait in a line that wraps around the market to get a hold of these. (Personal favorite: if sharing, I get the assorted, which is 1/3rd chocolate sprinkles, 1/3rd cinnamon sugar, and 1/3rd powdered. But when I'm flying solo, or have the ability to make an executive decision, I get the cinnamon sugar every damn time. Why? Because the cinnamon sugar ones are really just plain ones, taken hot right out of the delicious oil vat, which are shaken in the paper bag with the cinnamon sugar. It's like eating a hot beignet, but one that's covered in cinnamon sugar.)

Also, the University of Washington campus is freaking spectacular. I visited my dad at work there, and it just happened to be during the two week period that the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. 

And in case the outside wasn't spectacular enough, there's the inside of the UW. Half of it is awesome stylized new-ness with shiny cool things, and the other half is beautifully maintained old-ness with Hogwarts-y touches. Like the Suzzallo Library. 

Views of Mt Rainier. I can never make it look as good on camera as it does in real life. This picture was taken on an overcast day... when we're taking the boat across the Sound to Vashon Island, and it's a summer day with no clouds, Mt. Rainier looks abso-freaking-lutely gorgeous. 

Seattle Graffiti. (This is kind of a joke; there's awful graffiti in a lot of places downtown. This should really be called "Canada Graffiti".)

Anyway, like I said, a million things I love about Seattle. But these are just some of the ones I thought of, as I was clicking through the photos I took when I was over there.

Dayum, Seattle, you's beautiful.

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