Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why Asia Why: part 1

Asia, sometimes I just don't get you.

What is 'Sexphone'? And why call it (and the wifi network in the mall) 'Sexphone'? To my knowledge Sexphone is just like every other random cellphone selling stand in the mall, but rather than call it 'IT Mobile' or 'Jay Tech' or some other random generic name, they went with 'Sexphone'. Why?

Why, Asia, do you cut your sausages into flower shapes? The normal sausage shape is fine. Germans have been doing it for years. The flower shape makes it weirder to eat. Why the flower?

Why in God's name are your mannequins so messed up? With scary clown hair and tiny little heads? 

What's up with your t shirt themes? We've seen Nazi symbols (with Heil Hitler written above), misspellings of every type, and today I saw a pic of Osama Bin Laden on the back of a shirt. And even when the shirts are nice, they're incredibly weird. The 'I Love My People' Tshirt I saw in Udonthani with an American flag as the heart? Has any American bought that, ever? There are like 12 Americans in Udon. 

Also, why is your entire continent populated with drivers who are either (a) in never never land, or (b) driving like a bat out of hell? Driving here is downright terrifying. 

Lastly: why is customs so ridiculous? Specifically the Lao and Thai border. Is it really necessary to have people park in nonsense patterns, run around confusedly and have to get paperwork done at 3 different windows on each side?

Why Asia? Why?

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