Monday, September 2, 2013

2013: The Year the Fanny Pack Comes Back in Style?

And other awesome Katie fashion tips.

You know what is awesome? Functional fashion. Which is why I am advocating for the return of the fanny pack.

OUTLINE FOR WHY THE FANNY PACK IS AWESOME: (AKA Katie's Who/ What/ Where/ When/ Why for Fanny Pack Promotion)

I. Who wears fanny packs?
A. the 1990's: Pictures lead me to believe that the fanny pack was EVERYWHERE. I have seen plenty of pictures in our family photo albums and my mom is rocking fanny packs in a LOT of pics. 
B. tourists with "Eclectic tastes": AKA Asian tourists. A lot of them- still haven't figured out if they're doing it ironically or not. 
C. Hipsters: This is where I got my inspiration. One of the guys on our sites rocks it in a very hipster-like fashion and I love it. Also, I saw a girl at the Denver airport wearing a black / brown one and she/ it just looked too cute. 
D. Katie: I bought mine 6 weeks ago. I don't wear it as much as I want but it would look weird with business casual. 

II. What I look for in a fanny pack
A. Needs to hold the right amount of stuff: cash, phone, keys. I've fit my glasses case in there once but it was a squeeze.
B. Adjustable: Cuz sometimes I have fat days. 
C. Color coordination: Mine is brown AND black so I can wear it with EVERYTHING (Almost)

III. Where can I find awesome fanny packs?
A. Online: Amazon has a ton. I would post a link but apparently our home internet combined with Lao Internet regulations means I cannot use Amazon. Anddddddd I'm not the only one who thinks so: 
B. Apparently, Laos. I found like 25 different colors and styles at Homeideal (which is like Target combined with Walmart combined with a homeless man's fort under a bridge). That's where I got mine :) 

IV. When are fanny packs useful?
B. But especially walking around.
C. Formal occasions less so.

V. Why are fanny packs awesome?
A. Walking: Bangkok/ Vang Vieng/ Vientiane/ everywhere we go I love to walk. And purses suck. They just bang against your hip and tug at your shoulder and you have to do that awkward thing at restaurants where you put it on the back of a chair but secure it so you know it won't get get taken/ forgotten.
B. Security/ not getting mugged. Long story short I carried a clutch one night in Kuala Lumpur last year and a group of guys came up and hit my arms so I dropped it. Then they ran off with my clutch and I had to cancel all my credit cards and stay up till 5am talking with my banks about locking my accounts from fraud. Getting mugged sucks (and I still have a bad taste in my mouth re: KL)
C. Cheap, so you can get more than one and have no problem when it gets dirty. I have a beautiful Coach purse that was a Christmas present a couple years ago that I have worn twice because I am terrified I will hurt it. 
D. Slimming in a 90's kind of way. Like how women used to tuck their shirts into shorts and it looked really cute but now it's old fashioned. I have this one black maxi dress and I think it looks 312908 times better with the fanny pack. But alas I have been told I shouldn't wear it when going out cuz it's not fashionable. (Lies.)
VI. Moral of the story: Functionality is sexy. Every girl should have at least one fanny pack. Or at least stop giving me crap when I wear mine. I loves it. 


  1. Good Post Katie. I too was skeptical about whether or not it would be acceptable to wear my fanny pack. But your post has basically countered every argument ever made about the acceptability of said pack and I can't wait to wear it to any and every occasion here on out. In fact I have a funeral coming up soon and nothing says, "I care the most", like a fanny pack full of tissues and flowers. Hell, I might even be able to carry the urn, and also have two hands to enjoy the hors d'oeuvre at the after-party. Thanks!

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