Sunday, April 27, 2014

Huk ey ley/ "Really Love" Movie Premiere

One of our work associate's husbands is involved in the Lao movie industry, and just produced, directed and starred in a movie called "Huk Ey Ley" (Lao for "Really Love"). Our work associate was one of the stars, too! So of course we went to the movie premiere. I was particularly excited for it because of the hilarious ticket image:  

We didn't know much about the movie, going into it, but there were 4 premiere showings on the weekend of April 26th. Also, this was this trailer : 

(Just to give you an idea...)

So we went to the premiere and we were NOT disappointed. 

There was even a red carpet ! :) 

Laos has no modern (aka Western) movie theaters. (This is really really crappy; having to clear Thai Customs every time we want to see a movie is ridiculous.) Which means that the Lao Premiere of Huk Ey Ley was held in the Japan Lao Budo Center. 

After the movie ended, the six stars of Huk Ey Ley took pictures with their fans...

Very fun. I might have over-dressed but frankly I love getting my hair done for 50,000kip ($8), and going to a movie premiere- even a Lao one- has been on my bucket list for a couple years. 

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