Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ock pop tok

In Luang Prabang, next to the "3 Nagas Hotel/ Restaurant", there is a weavings shop called "Ock Pop Tok" (or "East meets West"). If you request it, they will call their tuk tuk to come take you to their workshop, which is a 35 min walk outside the city (it was too hot and dirty for a walk). They do free tours every half hour and explain silk making, natural dyes, weaving processes and different Lao patterns/ styles. It was very nifty. 

The workshop there has about ten women working on weavings- they also do classes for anywhere from one to three days. It seemed pretty cool, but not necessarily something I'd be too keen on (I get really really impatient and weaving seems like it takes a lot of patience)

They also have four rooms in their guesthouse and a restaurant. In their restaurant you can order "Silkworm Poo Tea".

It tastes like an herb-y green tea. And I don't like green tea, so I didn't really like Silkworm Poo tea.

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