Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Kiteboarding Hua Hin

Last Friday a group of us flew to Bangkok and took a shuttle down to Hua Hin, a resort town two and a half hours South. 

Playing five fingers in the van...

Nick's cousin flew in from the States for some SE Asian traveling. 

On Saturday we spent four hours learning to kite-board. It turns out that "learning to kite-board" means you don't get a kite-board, you get a kite, and you go into the water and learn how to control the kite. It was much tougher than I expected! And easily the most entertaining part was on the way back, when the kite-boarding instructor hooked Heidi and I up to his vest using five foot tethers and towed us back to shore.

This is the company we used: Kiteboarding Asia

Also side note: the beach at Hua Hin is disgusting. It's covered in garbage... enough so that when Nick and I went on a walk along the beach, we played the game "Nature or trash?" 

For example: the below picture is of a catheter bag. Gross. 

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