Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nam Ngum Lake

Today (Sunday) a group of 12 of us went to Nam Ngum Lake, a two hour drive outside Vientiane. Rainy season means that at least part of the time is spent dealing with rain, but we had a great time. Lunch at the Longview resort restaurant way REALLY slow...

Lake is man-made - from a dam that displaced apparently hundreds of small villages. 

We rented a boat - for 2.5 hours, it cost about 400,000kip ($50) and fit all 12 of us.

It took us out to a random island in the middle of the lake, where we swam and skipped rocks.

Then we jumped off the boat. 
This is Seth.

This is Nick.

This is me.

But now that means I have both a nasty sunburn ...

... And a massive bruise in the shape of a heart on my upper thigh (from awkwardly climbing into the boat)

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