Saturday, May 17, 2014

Nam Ngum Lake - twice in one week!

We (Nick, our friend Wes, and I) went to Nam Ngum last Sunday and yesterday (Saturday)- twice in one week. Which was pretty fun, as there are worse places to be than out on the lake when it's 90 degrees (F) outside.

On Sunday we stopped at a food market right before the bridge to get to the lake. It had a ton of live animals caged or tied down: frogs, lizards, ducks, chickens. There was even a snake, though that one was dead (Thank God). 

And we finally saw the prison island for the first time! Non-authorized boats aren't allowed near the islands, which house non-dangerous criminals like drug users and prostitutes (there is one island for women, one for men). The prisons sometimes make handicrafts, which are sold in little markets around the perimeter of the lake.

From last Sunday: renting the boat to take us to the beach cost 400,000kip ($50) for 4 hours. Great chance to take a nap.

On Saturday (yesterday) our boss organized a cool trip for the group to go out on the boat with an organized lunch. Lots and lots of food (which was good, because I sat with the biggest eaters of the group, so I was able to steal extra food from other parts of the table).

Leaving on the lake

I didn't take a lot of pictures (using my phone on the boat makes me nervous about dropping it overboard) but our office admin insisted that Nick and I take "Titanic pictures".
(at this point, I realized that there was a weird sepia filter on my camera, which had been there for weeks)

The guys drinking Beerlao. Lots and lots of Beerlao.

I also grabbed a bunch of packs of green mango for the boating trip. This is my favorite snack when we're doing outdoorsy things- the sweet tartness (plus the weird taste of the salt/sugar/chili dip) is awesome when you're drinking beer out in the sun all day.

Fun day with a fun group.

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