Monday, February 17, 2014

Images of Vang Vieng

We go to the Vang Vieng area a lot. It's 3 hours North of Vientiane and oh so much prettier. 

Biggest piece of advice for anyone heading there is to pick up a "Hobo Map". They're 25,000 kip ($3) and mark every major attraction, restaurant, hotel, etc. And apparently they're updated pretty regularly, which is good because Vang Vieng, like everywhere in Laos, is in a state of constant change. 

Wats, pedestrian-friendly streets, and picturesque mountains. 

Lots of dirt roads. Thank God we have a truck- other options are tuk tuks, walking, biking, dune buggies or scooters. I'd be nervous taking our super crappy Kias. 

Also they have hot air balloons. And a river. 

Pretty pretty pretty.

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