Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan changed course...

Typhoon Haiyan changed it's course. Originally, metereologists stateside predicted that after causing massive devastation in the Philippines, the typhoon would hit Vietnam and Laos. One metereologist in Ann Arbor told the Washington Post that the storm would be 'one of the top five natural disasters in Laos' history'.
My dad sent emails warning me repeatedly to get water and food for the apartment before the typhoon was supposed to hit on Sunday. Friday Nick and I went to Homeideal and picked up a bunch of water, nuts, cereal bars, etc.

The sunsets over the weekend were absolutely spectacular- I don't know if that had anything to do with the weather out East, but they were very out of the ordinary.

The typhoon never hit us- we had 80o all weekend - but what happened to the Philippines was devastating. 

Anyone wanting to donate to the Philippines cause should consider the United Nations World Food Programme- it's been incredibly active over there already and they have a great rating from CharityNavigator. If you donate through http://wfpusa.org your donations are also tax deductible. 


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