Sunday, August 11, 2013

Ant genocide

Every Friday our office admin brings breakfast- half the time American breakfast (bagels, pastries, oranges) and the other half of the time Lao (fried noodles, pork stuff, etc).

Today she brought Lao sandwiches.
And I am a very messy eater.

I dropped a bit of pork on the floor. In human world it was no big deal but in tiny ant world it was like Christmas- a deliciously enormously porky Christmas.

I hear 'Oh jeez! Look at all the ants!' 
Even 15 feet away I knew my inability to eat neatly was the cause. 

So Nick (he was the first to notice it) grabbed a couple paper towels and picked up the pork.

Then the ant massacre happened. 

It was like the Bounty paper towel ads- in a couple graceful circular motions, the mess was cleaned up. Except rather than the random blue liquid from the Bounty ads, it was ant LIVES. Hundreds of ant lives extinguished forever.

Reminded me of the scene in Mockingjay. I won't ruin for those who haven't read hunger games. But it was just like that.

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